The Flow of a Sales Presentation

August 18, 2013

The art of selling is to lead the prospect along a path of discovery so that at the end the only  logical conclusion they can draw is that they are better off with your offering than they are without it. Great selling is not persuasion.picture133

To design one of these pathways is the challenge. Here is how you do it. Write each of these headings on a separate page in this order.

  1. Establish rapport and gain trust (an agenda for the presentation)
  2. Gain a clear understanding of the prospects problem
  3. Understand the prospects desired outcome
  4. Identify any roadblocks to moving forward at this time
  5. How your offering will provide a solution
  6. The benefits that your solution provides
  7. Differentiating your solution from other ones available
  8. How the cost benefit justifies your offering
  9. The next steps to moving forward
  10. Agreement

Now write bullet points on each page about what you will discuss at each step.

Next make a presentation document that shows minimal words and lots of inspiring graphics.

Finally, practice the presentation using the presenatation document as the prompt to read your notes. Roleplay until you are proficient enough to present without your notes.

This practice all leads to the concept of “They see [the page in the presentation] and we say [the relevant points on the script]