Re-charging the batteries for a Zap-start to next year

December 20, 2010

Another year is drawing to a close. At this late stage it probably seems like getting back to work next year is a long way off. The first challenge is probably to just get to Christmas eve with everything done so you can have a few days off.

As busy as this time is, the few days that follow it are also very important for a small business owner. The down-time (however short or long) is an opportunity to recharge your batteries. A chance to relax is rare in the running of a business during the annual cycle so make the most of the traditional summer break. It is a chance to value your family and friends and regain the mental edge that supports your entrepreneurial spirit.

It is also a chance to gather your thoughts for the next phase in your business life.

When you first get back to work next year is a great opportunity for some contemplation. It is a time when you can create a considered approach to the year ahead and design the way you might improve your business.  It is also a time to implement some of the changes. So as the year comes to a close and your mind is slowed by the sounds of waves on a shore or the summer song of the cicadas consider the projects to do in that quiet time in January when you get back to work after the holidays.

But above all, I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a great relaxing time before getting back to your business and thank you for taking the time to read my e-mails this year.

If you had to get elected by your staff and clients – what would you promise in the speech?

December 13, 2010

At my 10 year old daughter’s school the children and teachers get to vote for the school captain for next year.Savannahdecided she wanted to give it a go and so she had to write an election speech. Being the father ever keen to share a lesson in life I gave her lots of encouragement and also a few words about the way politics really works, after all two of the other candidates had parents that worked at the school and she has never represented the school in any sports events as most of the other candidates had. I guess as a parent you try to teach and also buffer your children from disappointment.

And the relevance of all this to you?

Well as we were crafting the speech it occurred to me. What would we say if we had to present to our staff and peers? How would we inspire them enough that they would elect us the captain to steer the ship they travel upon?

If you run a dictatorship skip now to the bit below that says “Regards,Wayne”

However if you look up to the leadership styles of Richard Branson, Winston Chrchill or Nelson Mandella consider what they said and did that led thousands.

Are you showing enough interest and thanks to your team, Do they have confidence in where the ship is heading and do they (more frighteningly, Do you) know clearly where it is headed and how it is going to get there?

Now is a perfect time to consider this. If you are spending time away from work over the upcoming break it could be the perfect time to consider your plans for the year ahead – but just as importantly how you are going to communicate them to your team…. An idle sentence in the lunchroom or a presentation in a staff meeting that welcomes them to a new year?

Is your website wilting?

December 6, 2010

I just had a look at a website – it was the first time I had visited it so it was all new to me.

And then I noticed something… along the bottom of the page it said Copyright 2007.

Suddenly I thought “That is a few years ago now… actually this website does look a little old”

It is not just about the date, or the hype around having all the link pictures to facebook, Twitter and Linkedin and other social media. It is keeping a vibrant reflection of the latest happenings and developments in the place that provides your living.

If you look through your photos – even those on your phone or camera download directory there will probably be material that could update your website. What about recent events, things that clients have said about you (the good things J), great stuff your staff or clients have done.

It may be time for a complete new look or maybe just a makeover.

A great starting point is to get your staff or a couple of friends to look at the site and then tell you their thoughts.

Then kick around the topic of how to add some extra pizzazz to the site.

Next stop… off to the graphic guys. There is often a difference between a web builder and a graphic designer. The web builders can build a site but if it does not have the artistic flair then it often misses the point.

Are you proud to direct people to your website right now?

That it for this week – have a great one.