Is your website wilting?

I just had a look at a website – it was the first time I had visited it so it was all new to me.

And then I noticed something… along the bottom of the page it said Copyright 2007.

Suddenly I thought “That is a few years ago now… actually this website does look a little old”

It is not just about the date, or the hype around having all the link pictures to facebook, Twitter and Linkedin and other social media. It is keeping a vibrant reflection of the latest happenings and developments in the place that provides your living.

If you look through your photos – even those on your phone or camera download directory there will probably be material that could update your website. What about recent events, things that clients have said about you (the good things J), great stuff your staff or clients have done.

It may be time for a complete new look or maybe just a makeover.

A great starting point is to get your staff or a couple of friends to look at the site and then tell you their thoughts.

Then kick around the topic of how to add some extra pizzazz to the site.

Next stop… off to the graphic guys. There is often a difference between a web builder and a graphic designer. The web builders can build a site but if it does not have the artistic flair then it often misses the point.

Are you proud to direct people to your website right now?

That it for this week – have a great one.

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